
Harvard Kennedy School PolicyCast · March 19
The Network Effects that Make Cities Better Problem Solvers

Bruce Katz explains why cities have avoided populism and partisan bickering to become hubs of policy innovation.

Patronicity by Rob St. Mary · February 26
“New Localism” or How Washington “…is essentially a health insurance company with an army”

Interview with Bruce Katz of the Brookings Institution about his new book, co-authored with Jeremy Nowak, “The New Localism: How Cities Can Thrive in the Age of Populism”.

CityWorks Xpo · February 23
Episode 22: How cities can save themselves, because no one else is going to by The podcast for people who expect more from Philly

David Thornburgh chats with Jeremy Nowak (at right in photo) and Bruce Katz, authors of a new book called “The New Localism.” Their thesis: Many American cities have more things going for them than they seem to realize – untapped wealth and assets that could enable them to address many of their challenges. Those cities just have to stop behaving in 20th-century ways, including waiting for federal help that isn’t coming anytime soon. Nowak and Katz talk about cities on the rise – yeah, Pittsburgh, we’re talking about you – that offer lessons in how to flip this switch.

Brookings Institution Press · February 2
How cities can thrive in the age of Trump

Bill Finan, director of the Brookings Institution Press, discusses “The New Localism: How Cities can Thrive in the Age of Populism” with authors Bruce Katz and Jeremy Nowak. In their book and in the interview, Katz and Nowak explain why cities and the communities that surround them are best suited to address many of the economic, social, and environmental challenges facing the world today.

Strong Towns · January 25
The Strong Towns Podcast: The New Localism

Across the country, a movement of local doers is taking hold — one where problem solving happens from the bottom up instead of the top down. We’re seeing this in everything from the way we educate ourselves to the tools we use to get places. The energy is coming not just from governments but also business leaders, teachers and scientists, and the solutions are interdisciplinary, too. This is what Bruce Katz, Centennial Scholar at the Brookings Institution, argues in new book, co-authored with Jeremy Nowak, The New Localism: How Cities Can Thrive in the Age of Populism.

ELGL · January 19
Engaging Local Government Leaders

The authors of a new book, The New Localism: How Cities Can Thrive in the Age of Populism, Bruce Katz and Jeremy Nowak joined the podcast to talk urbanism and cities. Bruce and Jeremy share how localism isn’t just local government solving problems, but bringing different stakeholders together to tackle big issues that cities face.